Xiaohao Sun | 孙小皓
Stay humble, trust your instincts. Most importantly, act. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
I'm a second year Ph.D. student of computer science at Simon Fraser University, advised by professor Angel Xuan Chang. Prior to this, I got my Master of Applied Science degree from the Electrical Engineering Department University of Windsor. And I received my Bachelor of Science degree in the area of Mathematical and Physics Basic Science at School of Mathematical from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Currently I am also a research assistant in SFU GrUVi Lab working with professor Angel Xuan Chang at Simon Fraser University. My research interests are in 3D vision and language, generative models, and artificial intelligence.
- Aug, 2022 - One paper got accpeted at 3DV 2022
- Jan, 2022 - I joined GrUVi Lab, and start to work with Prof Angel Xuan Chang
- Sep, 2021 - Start my CS PHD at SFU

PhD Student
Sep 2021 - Present
Simon Fraser University
Research Assistant (Gruiv & 3dlg)
Google Scholar